Taking care of pets is an extensive task. One who keeps pets must ensure the provision of a good environment for them as well as protect them against various diseases. Cats and dogs are amongst the most loved pets all across the world. Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a disease common with both of these animals.
That is the reason why the internet is abuzz with queries such as the treatment of IBD in pets or euthanizing a dog with IBD. We shall however take an overview of this disease in connection with the cats and try to figure out when to euthanize a cat with IBD.
What is IBD in Pets?
IBD is an acronym for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This disease is found in the intestines of pets (more common with cats and dogs). It targets their digestive tract and causes inflammation in it. The effect is more intestinal.
Symptoms of IBD in cats
Each disease has some symptoms as its characteristics. The same is the case with IBD in cats. The following are the symptoms of IBD:
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Weight Loss
- Fecal anomalies such as loose stool etc.
These are only a few of the symptoms. The actual list of the symptoms may be way more elaborate than the one mentioned above.

Causes of IBD in Cats
IBD is a complex disease. There is no single cause that might be attributed to the disease. However, the experts say that some of the contributing causes to IBD in cats might be as listed below:
- Genetically inherited disease
- Immune system malfunction
- Improper dietary intake
- An imbalance in gut bacteria
Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
While Veterinarian experts have not been able to figure out the exact cause of IBD, in the case of feline IBD they consider the most recent trigger to be the root cause. It is pertinent to mention here that feline inflammatory bowel disease is a disease in which the bacteria affect the lining of the intestine, causing inflammation in the GI tract.
Treating IBD: Exploring the Best Option For Your Cat
As of now, there is no definite cure for IBD in cats. There are only precautionary measures (which we may refer to as treatment options) or small steps to manage the condition which may or may not work.
However, it is still advised to try the following steps in addition to consulting with a veterinary doctor in order to reduce the suffering of the cat.
Change in Diet of IBD-Inflicted Cat
A change in diet can do wonders to manage IBD in cats. However, this change must be implemented only after the advice of an expert veterinary doctor. Some of the changes might be the introduction of a diet that has only limited ingredients.
Also, a diet containing proteins with which the cat has been unfamiliar might be introduced as well. Sometimes the disease is due to the disturbance of a balanced diet. A balanced diet may solve the issue in such a case.

Change in Lifestyle of Cat Diagnosed With IBD
Sometimes a lifestyle change is what a cat requires. If the owner is trying too hard for a cat to behave in a certain way, this may upset the cat and affect its digestive system. Many cat owners wonder how to know when to put a cat down to sleep. The cat owner himself must know when should a cat be put down to sleep.
In case a cat owner observes unusual lethargy or laziness in the cat’s behavior, he must try to figure it out. Besides, in such conditions, he must go down to sleep earlier than the routine. Putting her to sleep for longer than routine hours will help to regain her energy.

Lifestyle change might not eradicate IBD but it may reduce the severity for sure. The quality of life of the cat in terms of emotions must be improved. It must feel empathy from the owner.
Medical Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The medical treatment of IBD in cats is an extensive topic. Some dimensions of the medical treatment are as follows:
Probiotics and Anti-inflammatory Drugs
One aspect of it is to feed the cat with healthy probiotics. This is a good deliberate measure to restore the bacterial culture inside the cat’s stomach. It produces the beneficial substances and modulates the immune system.
Anti-inflammatory drugs might be given as prescribed by the veterinary doctor, to suppress the pain. Some pet experts suggest the use of steroids in such conditions. However, the use of steroids has been debatable.

Surgery to Cure IBD
Surgery is an option for cats diagnosed with IBD albeit a rare one. In some instances, the surgeon may perform biopsy for a detailed and precise IBD diagnosis. He may extract a sample of inflammatory cells from the intestinal wall of the pet. This is done with the consent of the pet owner.
When to Euthanize a Cat With IBD? The 3 Factors
Having discussed the different aspects of IBD in detail, we must now return to our center of discussion. Euthanization is the practice of ending the pain or suffering by intentionally taking the life with the consent of the sufferer. While the concept originally pertained to human beings, it is now applicable to pets in many countries as well.
Euthanasia is a serious thing and must be opted for only in severe cases. This is particularly the warning for those who ask questions regarding euthanasia pertaining to manageable diseases such as should I euthanize my cat with diabetes and so on.
When to Consider Euthanasia for a Cat with IBD?
The decision to euthanize a cat with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) often depends on the severity of symptoms, such as chronic pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and the overall quality of life. If treatment fails and the cat no longer enjoys its daily activities or cannot perform basic functions without distress, euthanasia may be considered.
Whether to euthanize a cat or not as well as when to euthanize a cat with IBD, depends upon 3 main factors.
1. Severity of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Euthanasia is an extreme decision. Before going to this decision, the severity of the disease must be ascertained. Every disease or medical condition is a suffering for both human beings as well as pets.
However, if the cat seems to be getting along with IBD, euthanasia might be uncalled for. However, the case for opting for euthanasia might be strong for end-stage inflammatory bowel disease in cats.
2. Normal Longevity of Cats
One factor that might play a role in deciding whether to opt for euthanasia or not, is the longevity of the cats. The longevity of cats is usually somewhere between 13-17 years. However, some species may live significantly longer than that.
So if a cat with IBD is close to completing its natural life cycle, it might not be that impractical nor a bad time to consider euthanasia.
3. Managing IBD Differently
Although euthanasia is legal and considered ethical in many countries and is there as a last resort, still every effort must be made to avoid it as much as possible. One practical step in this regard is to change the approach towards the management of the disease. Effective management of IBD may require a trial of various management plans.
Once the cat owner as well as veterinary doctors are convinced that none of the management plans is working, euthanasia might be carried out. In most cases, however, the vet will also advise not to opt for euthanasia as an option, except when left with no choice.

IBD is a painful disease in pets, particularly in cats and dogs. It can be managed both therapeutically as well as medically. One way to end the suffering of the pet going through IBD is to euthanize it. We have discussed the different factors in the lines above that may make the owner of a cat going through IBD, consider euthanasia for it.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What are the symptoms of end-stage IBD in cats?
A: Symptoms of the terminal stage of IBD in cats are vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss, etc.
Q: Can IBD cause pain in cats?
A: Yes, it can cause pain in cats such as cramps in the stomach however usually it is more likely to cause discomfort rather than severe pain
Q: Should a cat owner decide by himself/herself when to euthanize a cat?
A: No, this decision must be taken after a thorough consultation with a veterinary doctor.